I Don’t Usually Say This

Hey y’all!

If you’re joining us from the Tumblr press, you know that this newspaper publishes its funnies on the first fourth of every month. But!

Did you know that there is a special publication on the third thursday of each month too??

“Oh, yeah! I remember that! What ever happened to those stupidly glorious posts full of satire and sub-par comedy?”

Here’s the deal guys… I’m a college student! I work a few jobs depending on when and where I am! I’m human! And sometimes, Miss Katie over here needs a break.


Oh, quit your whining! It’s my blog after all, I can do whatever I want!


Okay, fine.

As Frizzy Sister Number Two, AKA, the FUN one, I hearby institute the rule of the Third Thursday… (Authorization pending student workload, fun-loving tendencies, and general tomfoolery of Katie, the fun one.)

For those of you just joining us, third thursdays are reserved for the cruel, the unusual, the national days of the month. This month we have: National Ice Cream day (Mmmm), National Watermelon Day (Double Mmmm), National Underwear Day (Um… Okay), and National Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day (WHAT!?!?). And no, I am not making any of this up.


See? (That’s right, I do my research like everybody else! Google is my best friend…)

Despite all of these outrageously August days full of summer sun, school time stress, and general craziness, August 16th, the third thursday of August, is National Tell a Joke Day!

Should be easy right? After all, I am the fun one… That’s right folks–you are looking at the words of the great creator of Bubbles Come Home, So… Ah… What Do We Call This Thing?, and the ever-popular, Death By Squirrel.

But guys, gals, ladies, gentelmans (and no, it’s not a typo), I’m getting OLD! I’m tired! I go back to Washington in a week, and boy, I do not have the energy to sit here and come up with a joke for your entertainment (And seriously guys, the dinosaur joke is old. I’mma lookin’ at you, Dad!).

So… Like all good comedians (*cough* like me *cough*), I am going to use a joke that I found on Facebook. And… I’ll just tweak it…

Oh yeah… commence your eye-rolling now please! It’s about to get real!

I love SMU. It’s got beautiful trees, wonderfully vicious squirrels, and the fridged cold that I have come to enjoy. Ah… Feels just like home (Really! Once you hit the 50’s it all feels the same!). But I must admit that there’s something that I hate.

Every single time I have to introduce myself at SMU, there is a custom… You must say your name, your year, your major, and one interesting fact about yourself (*gasps* Interesting!?! I’ve NEVER been interesting in my life!).

This should be easy, right? For example: I am the writer of not one, but two blogs. I love horses. I hate Valentine’s Day (No, seriously, go check it out. And here’s another one if you still don’t believe me…) I’m from Hawaii. I have the abnormal and completely useless superpower of keeping a solid Maui sun tan for oh… an hour. See? Lots to choose from (Oh, right! I AM interesting!).

But. Every single time I come to this stinkin’ question/prompt/idiocy, my mind goes absolutely blank and I have no idea what to say (Huh!? But we just went over all those interesting things…). Lovely isn’t it.

So. Whenever I come to this question/prompt/idiocy this semester, here’s my new response, coming to you directly from the Minions of Facebook. And I don’t just have one response… I’ve got three (Overachiever!!!):

  1. I was born… On my birthday
  2. I am human… No, seriously
  3. And… I don’t usually say this but… *Whispers* I’m naked under these very clothes

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