Quotable Quotes From Quotable Kids

Hey Y’all!

So, this little gal spent her summer hanging out with kids. Big kids, little kids, sweet kids, and sour kids. I had a blast! Two months worth of take-aways from pint-sized little minions with sass the size of a Montana sky! Here are some of our favorite sayings from my kiddos…

I’m gonna set the stage with this one from the last day of the program:

“Are you angry at us? You’re yelling more than usual…”

And my response a few hours later, when I had a major headache, ten girls playing in the bathroom, and a kid that refused to stop hanging on me:

“Why do you guys choose the last day to act so crazy?”

Okay, I do yell at the kids, but let’s face it… they don’t like to listen! But, I guess if I was in a room full of my friends, and had a bunch of teenagers as my leaders, I’d be pretty crazy too.

Here’s the thing though: I never got to go to summer fun. Nope. I had Mommy Day Care instead. That’s right, one hour of TV per day, two pages of school work, cooking lessons, exercises in the pasture with the dog, and the occasional adventure down town. I told this to the kids one day as I tried to get them to see how lucky they were to spend their whole summer with their friends. It did stop the complaining, but this is the sympathy I got from eight-year-olds:

“Couldn’t you just watch YouTube on your phone?”

“We didn’t have phones then.”

“Then you could’ve used your iPad…”

“We didn’t have iPads either!”

“Well then HOW OLD ARE YOU!?!?!”

Which, I suppose, brings me to another quote about my age.

So, I wear glasses, but just reading glasses… for now. I traded in my frames for a new pair of lenses earlier this summer and oh, my gosh, I feel so blind. And so, I made a comment about this one day to the kiddos, and this was their response:

“You wear glasses?! But you’re not old enough to wear glasses!”

The irony of this is that several of my kiddos wear glasses. Are they too young then?

“But they need them!”

So… yeah. According to Dr. Young, I am either too old, or not old enough. And no, there is no in between.

Oh but wait! There’s more!

“How old are you?” another kid asked the other day.

“Ah… Nineteen?”

“Do you have any kids?”

“Ah… Haha…” Need I go any further?

And yet another ironic point, made by the same six-year-old who called me out for yelling:

“I wish you were my mom. I like my mom, but I wish you could be my mom too.”

Yes, this kid is adorable.

I’m gonna switch gears a bit here, and talk about the older kids, the eleven-year-olds, who have some pretty creative things to say. Such as…

“Why are you yelling at us? You’ve said that twice already and you weren’t yelling then!”

“Okay, then why didn’t you do what I said the first time?”

“Because we didn’t want to!”

And here’s another one…

They were working on the project I had set up for them, and it was taking a bit longer than I had anticipated. When the kids figured this out, they were a bit upset, and I told them that I would give them the supplies to finish it at home. But even with my promise, this is what I got:

“I can’t finish this at home! I have more important things to do, like play games on my phone!”

I rolled my eyes, “Playing games on your phone is not THAT important.”

But then again, I’m old, remember. So old that one kid even asked me this:

“Have you ever seen a real live dinosaur?”

Ah… I may be old, ancient even in the eyes of these kiddos, but I am not old enough to be extinct. Not yet, at least.

One thought on “Quotable Quotes From Quotable Kids

  1. I loved this! So adorable and funny.Especially since I taught school and the kids said and did some amazing things😉


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